

Where ozone hole is present in?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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9y ago

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The ozone hole is currently in Antarctica.

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Q: Where ozone hole is present in?
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Ozone layer hole?

Ozone layer hole is the low concentration of ozone. It is present in both hemisphere.

A hole in the ozone layer is present over?

The hole in the ozone layer is present over Antarctica. This is formed due to the low temperatures.

What is the ozone whole?

The ozone hole is present over the poles. It is the thinning of the ozone layer.

Where recently ozone hole is discovered?

The ozone hole is present over Antarctica. It is because of low temperatures.

In what layer does the ozone hole form?

The ozone hole in formed in the stratosphere region of the atmosphere. It is because most of the ozone is present in that layer.

What is the present thinning ozone layer commonly referred to as the ozone hole over the antarctic?

Ozone hole is referred as low concentration of ozone layer. It is caused over Antarctic.

Why Antarctica is more prone for ozone hole?

Antarctica is more prone for ozone hole. It is because the temperature required for ozone depletion is only present at the poles.

Why ozone layer is present over the poles?

The ozone hole is near the poles. It is because of the low temperatures there.

Where is the ozone hole present?

Ozone layer has hole in it above Antartica continent. It is formed due to CFC gas. Beacuse of the hole there is an increase in the temperature of earth.

What is the ozone hole and how does it form?

The ozone layer is a layer of ozone gas. The layer is present in stratosphere. It helps in protecting earth.

Where is the hole in the ozone located?

The hole in ozone is located over Antarctica. It is because of the low temperatures there.

What part of the globe is the ozone hole located?

The ozone is present in the Antarctica region of globe. It is because ozone depletion requires very less temperatures.