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A passage between the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.

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Q: Where the early europeans explorers hoping to reach when triyng to sail through the northwest passage in icy waters of arctic region of Canada?
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Why did explorers search for the northwest passage?

The explorers wanted to search for the Northwest Passage to find a way through North America to Asia.because he wanted too

What was the sea route called that explorers used to get through north America?

The Northwest Passage Apex;;;

Why was it difficult for explorers to find the northwest passage through Canada?

big rocks

What is the nonexistent path through North America that early explorers searched for that would allow ships to sail from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean?

Northwest Passage

What was the advantage of the northwest passage?

The Northwest Passage sought by early European explorers runs from the Atlantic to the Pacific through the Arctic Archipelago. It was considered impassable then because of ice and weather but is currently in use.

What is the importance of the northwest passage?

Because the early explorers needed it to find their way through the northwest passage it played an important role in there time, it also save time, money and supplies for the sailors.

How did the term northwest passage come to exist?

The merchants and explorers interested in the trading industry in Asia were looking for a passage through North America that was literally directed Northwest that would take them to Asia.

Why did explorers look for a northwest passage through north America to Asia?

they wanted to find a good fishing area

Why did northern Europe explorers search for a northwest passage?

they wanted to find a water route to asia through north america

What is the name of the shortcut from Europe to Asia through North America that many explorers searched for but never found?

Northwest Passage

What was the northwest passage and why do you think explorers were so determined to find it?

It was a path around or through North America. Explorers were so determined to find it because if they did they would control trade.

How many miles THROUGH THE northwest passage?

310 miles! Sought by explorers for centuries as a possible trade route, it was first navigated by Roald Amundsen in 1903-1906. Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen was the first to sail through the Northwest Passage in 1903-1906.