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pain and other feelings of touch come from an area of the brain called the "madula oblumgata".if you didnt have one you wouldnt even know if you were on fire.

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Q: Where the sensory nerves of touch are found?
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What are the cranial nerves belonging to senses?

Sensory nerves are the nerves that allow people to experience taste, touch, smell, sight, and hearing. For sight, there are photoreceptors; for hearing, there is stereocilia; for touch, there are motor neurons, and for smell there are olfactory sensory nerves.

What causes your hand to be hot when you touch a spoon that is in boiling water?

Sensory nerves.

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Sensory nerve cells called rods and cones are found in the Retina.

Are spinal nerves are sensory nerves?

Some are sensory nerves, some are motor nerves

Where can both sensory and motor fibers be found together?

Mixed nerves like the spinal nerves have both sensory afferents and motor efferents.

What sends a message to sensory nerves?

Different stimuli trigger sensory nerves. Such stimuli may include temperature, pressure, vibration, touch, and pain. In answer to your question, nothing sends messages to your sensory nerves. What happens is that these nerves send signals to your brain which then interprets the signals as pain, pleasure, etc. as stated above, never receiving messages.

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Types of neurons found in mixed nerves?

Both sensory and motor neurons......

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Spinal Nerves Are Both Sensory and Motor. Spinal nerves are not one or the other.

Sensory impulses transmitted over the facial glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are involved in the sensation of?

The taste and touch sensation

What are the percentages of motor nerves and sensory nerves in the human body?

I dont know the percentage but the 3 types of it are Sensory nerves Motor nerves Mixed nerves

Spinal nerves are purely sensory and motor?

Spinal Nerves Are Both Sensory and Motor. Spinal nerves are not one or the other.