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Ark of the Covenant (Aron Habrit in Hebrew).

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The ten commandments were written after the flood so they didn't need to be stored on the ark... They were stored in the Ark of the Covenant

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Q: What was the name of the ark where the ten commandment were kept?
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Why is the ark of the covenant important to the Hebrews?

In the old testament the ten commandment was kept in the ark of the covenant and the priests carried it.

Where are the ten commandments kept?

the ark of the covenant

What was in the holy of holies in Jerusalem?

The Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Holy of Holies.

Object in which ten commandments are kept?

The original Commandments - carved onto tablets of stone - were kept in the Ark of the Covenant.

Where are ten commandments kept in a synagogue?

Some synagogues, but not all, incorporate the Ten Commandments, or some symbolic representation, in the design or decoration of the building's exterior, interior, or sanctuary; but there is no religious commandment to do so. It is perfectly acceptable if the Ten Commandments are only found within the text of the Torah, either in the scroll kept in the ark, or in the books used during some services, that contain the Torah's text.

What is the purpose of the ark?

There were two arks , Noahs ark and the ark of the covenant.The ark of the covenant was to carry the ten commandments. Today, the ark is a cabinet in synagogues, normally at the front of the sanctuary, where the Torahs are kept.

What was kept in the ark of the law?

The Ark contained the Ten Commandments, some Manna and the Staff of Aaron.

Where are the stones with the ten commandments?

The stones with the Ten Commandments are believed to be located in the Ark of the Covenant, which according to the biblical account, was kept in the inner sanctum of the Tabernacle and later in the Temple of Jerusalem. However, the physical whereabouts of the Ark and the stones are unknown.

What was the wooden box where the tablets of the ten commandments were kept?

The holy ark was the Ark of the Covenant in which the two Stone Tablets with the Ten Commandments were held. It was a heavy wooden box covered with gold, with a gold lid. Exodus ch.25.See also the Related Link.Where is the ark of the Covenant?

Is the Torah kept in a wooden box?

No, the Ark of the Covenant is said to carry the Ten Commandments, not the Torah.

What the ark of covenant was use for?

The ark of the covenant was used for the ten commandments!!!

Who was the ten commandment built for?

the ten commandments was for the people who believed in god.