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Q: Where to find a kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses meeting in english in new deli india?
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Related questions

Who founded the kingdom hall of Jehovahs Witnesses?

Joseph Rutherford first suggested the name "Kingdom Hall" for the meeting places of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1935.

Where can i find meeting times of Jehovahs Witnesses in Koloa Kauai?

You may want to look up kingdom hall in the phone book to find out.

What does Jehovah Witness call its church?

Jehovahs witnesses witnesses do not attend a church. The building is known as the Kingdom Hall. We also have a website with videos hat tells us what happens at the Kingdom Hall. To view this and other videos visit wwwdotjwdotorg

What is the time of meeting schedules for Jehovahs witnesses in the year 2010?

Each local congregation sets its own meeting times. Check with Jehovah's Witnesses locally to obtain this information.

Are there any English speaking Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses in Zagreb Croatia?

The nearest meeting is in Ljubljana Vic, and they have some English meetings

How many kingdom halls of Jehovah's Witnesses are in Tacloban Philippines?

There is one kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Tacloban, although there may be more than one congregation meeting at that hall.

Where do Jehovah's witness go to worship their god?

A kingdom hall is a name used for a meeting place for Witnesses to go and worship.

Why aren't the meeting times listed for Kingdom Hall Jehovah's Witnesses?

Oh - - but they are; unless some vandals ripped the plaque off the wall.

How are Jehovah's Witnesses funded?

By voluntary contributions. Contribution boxes are placed in our local meeting places, aka Kingdom Halls, and also our larger meeting places, aka Circuit and District Conventions.

Do Jehovah witnesses go to church on Halloween?

Jehovah's Witnesses do not observe or celebrate Halloween. If Halloween happens to fall on the same day as their regular attendance at their meeting places (Kingdom Halls as opposed to churches) then they will still attend as normal.

Where is the kingdom hall of Jehovahs Witnesses in Paris France?

There are 100 French speaking congregations, 12 French sign-language congregations, 22 English speaking congregations as well as congregations of for other languages in or near Paris France. You can find one near you on the Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses at

Who name it kingdom hall?

It is a meeting place of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is called a "Kingdom Hall" because what is discussed there is God's Kingdom, which is what Jesus taught us to pray for in the Lord's prayer at Matthew 6:9,10. For further information click on RELATED LINKS (below)