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King Saul and Jesus were not contemporaneous: Jesus died about 32 or 33AD but King Saul died about 1010BC. However, Paul the Apostle came from Tarsus and changed his name to 'Saul 'upon his conversion.

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Q: Where was Saul when Jesus was alive?
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Where did saul first enconter Jesus?

Saul encontered Jesus on his was to Damascus .

Does paul become saul?

No. Saul became Paul because Saul murdered Christians, but when he started following Jesus, Jesus changed his name to Paul.

Who is named Saul in Roman times?

The individual first named Saul was alive when the ancient Roman empire occupied Judea. After a religious experience, Saul stopped persecuting Christians and became an apostle of Jesus Christ. He was renamed Paul. Reportedly Paul was executed in Rome.

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Saul who became Paul was a sworn enemy of jesus first.

What was christ command to Saul's?

Saul was also called Paul which we know him as better. In the book of Acts in chapter 9 it tells of Sauls conversion while travelling to Damascus. Saul was still working against the Christians when he was "intercepted" by Jesus. Jesus asked him why he was persecuting him. After saul was blinded by the light that shone from Jesus, Jesus told him to go into the city where he would receive further instructions. In Damascus a disciple of Christ named Ananias met with Saul (under Jesus's direction) and told him what Jesus told him to say. Saul's blindness was healed and he began preaching the good news about Jesus. In chapter 13, the Holy Spirit told them that Barnabas and Saul were to be set apart for the work to which Jesus had called them. This was the commissioning of Saul to begin preaching Jesus to people full time.

What happened after Jesus told Saul that He was Jesus?

After Saul saw Jesus in a vision, he was temporarily blinded ,but saw the truth in his heart. After than he changed his name to Paul and taught people to know and love Jesus. :)

When did Saul of Tarsus start to preach Jesus?

Saul began preaching Jesus within days of his conversion. See Acts 9:1-20.

Why was Ananias afraid of helping Saul?

He was afraid because Saul killed Jesus’ followers🤨

Has someone alive seen jesus before?

Let me make a point clear here, no man can see Jesus, as he is holy and pure and if we did look at him we would be blinded for sure,because of the brightness,even Saul was blinded on the way to Damascus , when he met Jesus Christ.

Who helped found Christianity?

Jesus,Paul(Saul),and the other apostles of Jesus

Who gave Saul his sight back?

Ananias, a disciple of Jesus, restored Saul's sight through prayer after Saul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus and was temporarily blinded.

Did Saul see God?

Saul of the Old Testament did not. Saul (Paul) of the New Testament did not see God but he heard the voice of Jesus while on the road to Damascus.