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The first US mint (as versus a state or private coiner) opened in Philadelphia in 1792.

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Q: Where was the first mint in the US?
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Who supervised this first mint?

President Washington appointed David Rittenhouse as the first director of the US Mint.

Where was the first US mint built?

Philladelphia, PA

When did us coins start?

The first coins made by the US Mint was in 1793.

What was the first US mint?

The first US quarter was minted in 1796. It had a portrait of Miss Liberty on the coin.

When were coins first made in the us?

US coins were first struck by the US mint located at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1793.

When did the us government start making mint sets of coins?

1947 is the first year for Mint Sets.

Where was the first penny made?

The first US "penny's" were struck at the Philadelphia Mint in 1793.

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U.S. Mint

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Queen Isabella of Spain

What were found on the first coins issued by the us mint?

symbols of liberty

Who was the first director of the us mint?

David Rittenhouse

Which us city was home to the mint which produced the first standard us coin?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.