

Where was the founder of the Islam religion born?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The founder of Islam is Allah (God in English). Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) called people to Islam per Quran God revelation to him. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Makkah (or Mecca) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Q: Where was the founder of the Islam religion born?
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Who is the founder if the Islam religion?


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Islam was founded by Muhammad.

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Muhammad was the founder of the religion of Islam when he 'revealed' to 7th Century Arabians a holy book called the Qur'an.

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Mohamed is the name of the Founder of Islam.

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The founder of Islam is Allah (God in English). Muhammad is the prophet of Islam per Quran God revelation to him. He was born in year 570 AD.

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Muhammad - PBUH - Is Not The Founder Of Islam ! Islam Is A Religion From Allah And Muhammad Is A Prophet Who Carried This Msg From Allah To People And He Became A Msngr. At Age 40 Years .

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Another answer from our community:Allah (God in English) is the founder of Islam. Allah is everywhere every time.

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He PBUH was born in Mecca.

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It is a serious misconception and misunderstanding that Islam was founded by someone. Islam is the ONLY religion liked by Almighty God for human beings. All the Prophets preached Islam. Anyhow, it was the last prophet of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (May peace be upon him), born in Mecca (Makka) who is considered to be the founder of present day Islam.

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The founder of islams religion?

Allah (or God in English and same God worshiped in Judaism and Christianity) is the Islam founder. Refer to question below.