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The Bataan Death march occurred in the Philippines and ended in Camp O'Donnell of the Philippines. Some POWs were taken to Japan.

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Q: Where were American soldiers subjected to the horrifying bataan death march?
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Who committed the bataan death march?

Japanese soldiers forced their American prisoners to undergo the Bataan Death March.

Who was forced to march in the bataan death march?

Filipino and American soldiers whom were prisoners of the Japanese

During the Bataan Death March?

many American prisoners were killed.

What was the march named for the horrible deaths of Filipino and American troops by the Japanese soldiers on their way to prison camps called?

Death March Bataan Death March or Death March of Bataan because they were marched across the penisular of Bataan.

During what did the Japanese force captured American and Filipino soldiers to march for five days and nights?

Bataan Death March

What was the event where Japanese forced soldiers to march up the Bataan peninsula?

bataan death march

Death march of us soldiers in the Philippines?


On the Bataan Death March which soldiers did the Japanese treat brutally?

The US soldiers that they had defeated on the Phillipines.

What conditions were they forced to march in the bataan march?

The American and Philippino soldiers marched from Corregidor across the Bataan peninsula did so with insufficient amounts of food, medicine, water and rest, and were subject to death by bayonet at the whim of their captors for any or no apparent reason.

What did Japan force American soldiers to walk to POW camps in in the Philippines during WW2?

The Bataan Death March. The Filipino troops who fought alongside the Americans and were captured with them actually fared even worse on the Death March.

What action Led to bataan death march?

The surrender of 75,000 Allied soldiers in the Philippines.The Bataan Death March resulted in the death of more than 7,000 American and Filipino troops who were forced to make a grueling journal after surrendering to Japanese troops.

Why did The Bataan Death March happened?

General MacArthur was ordered move his command from the Philippines to Australia, and left thousands of his American and Filipino troops behind without supplies. Abandoned troops surrendered at Bataan in April and at Corregidor in May. The Japanese forced these POW's to march to a prison camp near Cabunatuan. Thousands of American and Filipino soldiers died of malnutrition, illness, and torture during the Bataan Death March.:-)