

Where would a simple machine be located on a playground?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Where would a simple machine be located on a playground?
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Ok I think that the answer would either be simple machine or compound machine but I'd double check first..

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No. Gears are a type of simple machine. Combined with another simple machine, it would then make a compound machine.

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A screw is the simple machine which holds two boards together. In this case it is not acting as a machine though.

Is it kids' playground or kid's playground?

It would be a kids' playground. There will be more than one kid on the playground, so there are kids. Then to make that plural, you would have to ad only an apostrophe and not apostrophe then an "s". Where as if there were only one kid on the playground then it would be a kid's playground, because there would only be one object there. Hope this helped.

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a complex machine would be a car, but a simple machine would be a wheel and axle. an example of a wheel and axle would be a steering wheel

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That would be a lever.