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I only know that Amendment III takes away any right of the people.

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Q: Which Amendments take away any rights of the people?
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What are the Amendments and how can they be good for the country?

The amendments are kinda like the Bill of Rights they protect your freedom and no one can take them away.

What is the bill of right made up of?

The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution. These amendments were made at the time of the signing of the Constitution. From what I remember from 7th grade, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution were written to acknowledge "natural" rights - those that we are all born with - and to put limits on how the government may abridge, or take away, those rights.

The enlightenment idea of natural rights is that?

people have natural rights that governments cannot arbitrarily take away

Rights that cannot be taken away are known as?

The idea that the government does not have complete power; there are certain rights the government cannot take away from the people is called LIMITED GOVERNMNET.Tcarver6 Answered!!!

How do amendments preserve individual rights?

Outside the Bill of Rights, and just generally speaking, Constitutional amendments don't preserve individual rights. Two amendments specifically limit individual rights, one for the better (abolishing slavery) and the other out of a sense of moral superiority (Prohibition). The first 10 amendments, which not all preserve individual rights, are called the Bill of Rights because they outline "freedoms" that were not in written into the Constitution. By allowing for an amendment system, the founders allowed the Constitution to change as needed. In many ways, amendments are just a further specification of something already in the Constitution or redefining something ambiguous. An amendment exists, for instance, to limit the term a President can serve (to two); amendments exist that extend the right to vote to the former slaves and to women. Proposals to amend the Constitution to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman would not preserve individual rights but rather take them away (like Prohibition for alcoholic beverages, and very much like the feeling of moral superiority the same authors of Prohibition had). ----------------- Amendments often clarify specifically something that may or may not have been evident in the document before the amendment. The slavery amendments and the women sufferage clarify and remove any doubt that the document means that all people can vote . The Constitution said "We the people", there has been some debate over the years as to who "the people are". So an amendment can "preserve individual rights". Amendments are often enacted to clarify and remove any doubt about a question. For example, do disabled folks have the same rights as healthy people.

The purpose of the Bill of Rights was to?

guarantee that the government would not take away people's freedoms.

Who could take away the natural rights of life liberty and property?

Nobody can take your natural rights away.

How does the State grant rights?

The state can not take away your rights that the fed constitution grants to each citizen it has no rights to take away. They belong to you not the state.

What are three alienable rights?

An alienable right is a right that can be signed away to someone else, usually a governing body, who can then take it away from you. Alienable rights are different from unalienable, which are inherent to all people and any contract signing them away is invalid. It is just to take away alienable rights that have been contracted away, but always unjust to take away alienable rights.

What human rights did Al Capone take from people?

he took away right to freedom, proper food,shelter and medical rights as he had slaves

What human rights did Joseph Kony take away from people?

Jospeh Kony took away all the rights that kids had. He took away their hope and courage by abducting them and using them either for his army or as sex slaves.

Why would the people in power largely southern democrats want to take away the rights of African American people?
