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Q: Which European countries have tropical climate?
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What Caribbean countries have a tropical marine climate?

The Bahamas

What countries are in the hot and wet homelands?


Who is the primary consumer of the cash crops of tropical countries?

The primary consumers of the cash crops of tropical countries are European countries. Most of these cash crops are exported to them.

What climate orangutans live in?

Orangutans live in a tropical climate; they are most notably found in South American Countries near the equator.

In which type of climate do many people grow coffee and bananas?

They are cultivated in 107 tropical countries in the world

What climate characterizes the tropical countries and why?

Tropical countries are characterized by high temperatures and high humidity. This weather pattern has to do with wind currents and a high exposure to the sun's rays.

What countries are located in the tropical marine climate?

mexico,bahamas, panama, st.vincent and caribbean countries

What is Nigerias Climate?

Tropical Climate

What tropical climate a has tropical climate and vast grasslands?

tropical savanna

Is Indian mango a tropical fruit?

Yes. It is a Tropical fruit and is considered to be one all around countries such as India, Sri Lanka, Jamaica and all hot climate countries.

What tropical countries do apples grow in?

In a few countries, Brazil is considered tropical but there are some regions in Brazil which have a good climate for growing apples, which are in the southern state of Santa Catarina

What sentence can you give me with the word equator?

"Countries near the equator usually have a somewhat tropical climate."