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Q: Which US President ordered air and sea forces to give the Korean government troops cover and support?
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How did president Truman react to the North Korean invasion of South Korean?

president truman ordered american troops moved from Japan to South Korea.

Who was the first president to support containment?

Harry Truman is the president most associated with the containment theory against communist domination- think NATO and the Korean War.

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The president of South Korea, Syngman Rhee

Which president was in the White House when the Korean Conflict started?

The Korean War began while Truman was the president.

Who was the president of North Korea during the Korean war?

Kim ll-sung was the North Korean president.

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Who supported the South Korean government during the Korean War?

The U.N. did.

Does the government in north korea have the support of its citizens?

Whether or not the North Korean people support the Kim Dynasty is hotly debated by experts on North Korea. The North Korean government uses incredibly high levels of propaganda and totalitarian repression over the people and most North Korean citizens will say that they do support the Kim Dynasty. However, the debate comes from whether or not (1) North Koreans are genuinely brainwashed into believing the propaganda or (2) North Koreans oppose the Kim Dynasty but will not state their true beliefs because they do not want to be tortured for speaking out against the regime.

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Who is the president if Korean air?

Cho Yangho

Who was the president after the Korean War?

Harry Truman :)

Why did President Eisenhower warn against unwarranted influence?

To avoid future Korean Wars; he had experienced WW2 and became president during the Korean War.