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Both will kill bacteria if you add them to water however there are lots of bacteria adapted to live in salt water but I don't know of many adapted to live with chlorine.

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Q: Which allows more bacteria salt water or chlorine?
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What is added to drinking water to kill the bacteria in it?

Bacteria (usually) can be killed with ordinary soap or diluted cholrine bleach.

What is the use of chlorine in water?

Chlorine, as well as other sanitizers for water, kill bacteria and algae in the pool water to keep it more safe for bathers.

How do you make bacteriostatic water?

You can add little chlorine to the water to make it bacteriostatic. You can find the chlorine in the water for months together, keeping it bacteria free. The pure water can not be stored for long and can be contaminated with bacteria, any time. The risk of chlorinated water being carcinogenic is theoretical, rather than practical. When you drink the water, most of the chlorine is eaten up by food in the stomach and by the mucous lining of the stomach. The advantages of chlorine in water are far more than the disadvantages. Because the chlorine is very economical, there is no godfather for the same.

Is chlorine unhealthy?

Chlorine as a gas is poisonous but when dissolved in water it kills harmful bacteria. The gas then slowly dissipates into the atmosphere and is gone in a couple of hours. Many more people have been saved from severe illnesses like cholera and typhoid transmitted by water borne bacteria than have been adversely affected by the addition of Chlorine. Better disinfecting of water supplies and sewerage in the future will be achieved usindg ozone gas.

Which is more bacteria water or food?

Neither are bacteria.

How does chlorine water have an effect on seed germination?

more chlorine = less seed germination

Why doesn't chlorine stay in pool water more than 24hrs?

Both the sun and bacteria in the pool breaks down the chlorine. You need to keep up the chlorine level daily to keep the pool clear, either by adding or using tablets in the skimmer as you filter. Ues a test kit to check it.

What is the purpose of making the water purifier?

Many things, most notably the removal of chlorine, sediment and bacteria you can read more about here

What chemical is added to water in pools to keep the water clean?

thus raw or impure water is subjected to the purification process by which the suspended particles, colour, odour and bacteria are removed.water is more important than food.deprivation of water brings death much more quickly than that of food.chlorination is probably the best and the cheapest method of sterilization of water and it is the most effective in destroying pathogenic bacteria.for chlorination, liquid chlorine may be added directly in the municipal water.boiling water for about 15-30 minutes destroys all disease causing bacteria and is one of the reliable method for water sterilization.

Is chlorine less dense or more dense than water?

more dense

Is having more chlorine good or bad in the water?

Chlorine is added to water to kill microorganisms such as those that cause cholera and typhoid. However, too much chlorine would be harmful to humans.

Does Aquafina dasani or Publix spring water have more chlorine?

No chlorine in Publix Spring Water, but it does contain some other chemicals besides H2O.