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Freedom of speech. The First Amendment

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Q: Which amendment was violated by Congress during World War 1?
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The Internment of Japanese Americans and Japanese residents during World War 2 violated all but which amendment?

i will assume that you are talking about the first 10 amendment's therefore its the 2nd, the right to bear arms

Which of the rights from the declaration of human rights did hitler break?

Hitler violated the UDHR in many ways. In Article 1 the UDHR states that everyone has the right to life. During World War Two About 6 million is generally given the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust under Hitler. This is how Hitler completely violated article one of the UDHR

What nation violated Americas freedom of the sea?

Germany violated the United States freedom of the seas during World War I with its unrestricted submarine warfare.

What congress divided Germany and Italy during World War 1?

It was the congress of Vienna It was the congress of Vienna

Does federal government acknowledge Japanese being violated during World War 2?

Yes. They have compensated most victims

What were the rights and responsibilities of the Japanese citizens during world war 2?

they had right, but they were just violated and not respected, i am not sure about the responsibilities

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Which constitutional provision according to some people was violated when the US government intern Japanese-Americans during World War 2?

due process

Why As a result of actions during world war 1 Charles schenck was convicted in court. what did he do that led to the case?

Charles T. Schenck was the secretary of the Socialist Party of America in Philadelphiaduring the First World Warand involved in the 1919 Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States.Schenck had been indicted and tried for distributing 15,000 subversive leaflets to prospective military draftees during World War I. The leaflets urged the potential draftees to refuse to serve, if drafted, on the grounds that military conscription constituted involuntary servitude, which is prohibited by the Thirteenth Amendment. The Federal government held the position that Schenck's actions violated the Espionage Act of 1917.Schenck was convicted, but he appealed to the United States Supreme Court, arguing that the court decision violated his First Amendment rights. However, the Court unanimously upheld his conviction.

Which US government action violated the constitutional rights of some citizens during World War 2?

Japanese American internment / Executive Order 9066 .

Who violated human rights during World War 2?

Everyone did, this is why war is a very bad thing. The Nazi's violated peoples human rights a lot but so did the Americans when they killed innocent civilians in the firebombing of Dresden and when they dropped the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What are the cons and pros of the tenth amendment?

Everyone agreed that the tenth amendment was good, but Congress ignored until they finally added it to the Bill of Rights of the UNited States Constitution.