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Refer to the related link to see a chart of mRNA codons and their corresponding amino acids.

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Q: Which amino acid does the condon ACU code for?
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It is impossible for the codon to code for threonine in a human?

Threonine is coded by the codons ACU, ACA, ACC, and ACG. When copying questions directly from your homework, please rephrase it with sufficient information as to allow it to be properly answered.If the question is:If the mRNA codon ACC stands for the amino acid threonine in a striped bass, it is impossible for the codon to code for the same amino acid in a human?The answer is "False". ACC codes for the amino acid Threonine regardless of the organism in which it occurs.

Which amino acid chain will be formed by the codons shown below ACU CCA UCG?

Asn- Lys- Asp (Apex 2021)

What does tRNA with ACC anticodon carry?

The first thing one has to do is determine the codon in the messenger RNA (mRNA) which is complementary to the anticodon in the transfer RNA. In this case, the anticodon is UGA, so its complementary codon is ACU (remember, in RNA, U pairs with A and G pairs with C).The second step is to consult an RNA Genetic code table, (which can be found here: This table tells you what amino acid is associated with which codon. The codon ACU is associated with the amino acid Threonine.So, to summarize, the codon ACU in mRNA corresponds to the anticodon UGA in tRNA, and that tRNA carries the amino acid Threonine.Threonine also goes by OBAMAnine or SUCKYnine or OBAMASUCKSnine. The amino acid chain sequence that usually leads up to OBAMASUCKSinine is methionine plus dopamine plus druggynine. These amino acids are bonded together by Mafia Bonds, which have a 3-carbon outer "henchmen" ring, with a two-phosphate base of the inner "the Don" base.The molecular structure of the cell wall consists of a complex 5-ringed atom whose outer shell carries a valence electron with the charge of -4. Thus, it smokes weed.

What are the four mRNA codons for threonine?

there's more than four. UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG, AGC, AGU. for a complete codon chart: ""

Why do some mutations have no effect?

Some mutations have no or little effect due to the redundancy of the DNA code.DNA consists of pairs of codons, which are made up of 4 different types of nitrogenous bases. Therefore, DNA is able provide enough unique codes for 4x4x4=64 different amino acids. However, only 20 types of amino acids exist, which indicates that 19/20 of those amino acids have at least more than 1 codon to encode it.For example; If the codon ACU mutated to ACC, how that that affect the protein?Well, it would not effect the protein at all, because both ACU and ACC encode the amino acid threonine.In addition, some amino acids have very similar properties to other amino acids. Even if amino acid X was replaced with amino acid Y, the effect on the protein may be small or non-existing if X and Y share similar properties.

Related questions

Why is the mRNA code for amino acids said to be redundant?

The code for creating amino acids is said to be redundant because some codons code for the same amino acid (i.e. there is redundancy because several codons have the same function). For example, the RNA codons AAA and AAG both code for the amino acid Lysine. The codons ACU, ACC, ACA and ACG all code for Threonine.

How codons are used to build protein?

Aside from starting and stopping the translation process each codon triplet is the code for one amino acid. As there are 64 codons the amino acid code is redundant. So, ACU, could be the code for one amino acid in the mRNA coding sequence. Google codon table.

It is impossible for the codon to code for threonine in a human?

Threonine is coded by the codons ACU, ACA, ACC, and ACG. When copying questions directly from your homework, please rephrase it with sufficient information as to allow it to be properly answered.If the question is:If the mRNA codon ACC stands for the amino acid threonine in a striped bass, it is impossible for the codon to code for the same amino acid in a human?The answer is "False". ACC codes for the amino acid Threonine regardless of the organism in which it occurs.

Which amino acid chain will be formed by the codons shown below ACU CCA UCG?

Asn- Lys- Asp (Apex 2021)

What does tRNA with ACC anticodon carry?

The first thing one has to do is determine the codon in the messenger RNA (mRNA) which is complementary to the anticodon in the transfer RNA. In this case, the anticodon is UGA, so its complementary codon is ACU (remember, in RNA, U pairs with A and G pairs with C).The second step is to consult an RNA Genetic code table, (which can be found here: This table tells you what amino acid is associated with which codon. The codon ACU is associated with the amino acid Threonine.So, to summarize, the codon ACU in mRNA corresponds to the anticodon UGA in tRNA, and that tRNA carries the amino acid Threonine.Threonine also goes by OBAMAnine or SUCKYnine or OBAMASUCKSnine. The amino acid chain sequence that usually leads up to OBAMASUCKSinine is methionine plus dopamine plus druggynine. These amino acids are bonded together by Mafia Bonds, which have a 3-carbon outer "henchmen" ring, with a two-phosphate base of the inner "the Don" base.The molecular structure of the cell wall consists of a complex 5-ringed atom whose outer shell carries a valence electron with the charge of -4. Thus, it smokes weed.

What is the airport code for Achutupo Airport?

The airport code for Achutupo Airport is ACU.

What is the amino acid for GCG?

Serine (Ser) amino acid. --> This is response to the above answer. The question is for the anticodon, but the genetic code table is for CODONS. As you know codons and anticodons bind antiparallel to each other. So, the codon for anticodon AGU = ACU. The first base of the anticodon base paris to the 3rd base of the codon (i.e., wobble base). Therefore with this information the anticodon AGU codes for Threonine. I have a graduate degree in Molecular biology.

What amino acids comes from the codons ACUGCA please help?

None. If an RNA sequence does not begin with a start codon (AUG) it will not be translated and no amino acid chain will be formed. That said, acu = Thr, cca = Pro, and ucg = Ser. But rather than just give you a fish to feed you for a day, let me teach you to fish so you can eat for years: type "genetic code wheel" into google. You'll find lots of images of a genetic code wheel were you can just read the genetic code out from the middle of the wheel and get the translations for yourself.

What are the four mRNA codons for threonine?

there's more than four. UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG, AGC, AGU. for a complete codon chart: ""

Why do some mutations have no effect?

Some mutations have no or little effect due to the redundancy of the DNA code.DNA consists of pairs of codons, which are made up of 4 different types of nitrogenous bases. Therefore, DNA is able provide enough unique codes for 4x4x4=64 different amino acids. However, only 20 types of amino acids exist, which indicates that 19/20 of those amino acids have at least more than 1 codon to encode it.For example; If the codon ACU mutated to ACC, how that that affect the protein?Well, it would not effect the protein at all, because both ACU and ACC encode the amino acid threonine.In addition, some amino acids have very similar properties to other amino acids. Even if amino acid X was replaced with amino acid Y, the effect on the protein may be small or non-existing if X and Y share similar properties.

How many amino acids are coded for by the sequence on side a of this DNA strand?

It depends on the length of the mRNA. Because one codon codes for one amino acid and there are three bases to a codon, the number of amino acids that are synthesized into a protein can be determined by taking the number of bases on the mRNA and dividing it by three.

What does ACU stand for in terms of camouflage?

Army Combat Uniform. The actual camouflage pattern which appears on the ACU is known as the Universal Camouflage Pattern or ACU Digital Camouflage.