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Scandinavia but I'm not so sure

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Q: Which area of northwest Europe accepted Christianity first?
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Where in northeast Europe was Christianity accepted first?

All of Europe was Catholic from the reign of Charlemagne beginning in 800. He ruled over most of Europe and brought the Catholic Church to the continent.

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to northwest europe

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Who were the first christions in eourpe?

The Kingdom of Armenia was the first state in Europe to adopt Christianity as its state religion. Armenia adopted Christianity as its state religion in 301 A.D. The Roman Empire was the second state in Europe to adopt Christianity as its state religion, and it did so in 380 A.D.

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The rise of axsum was after the declining of zagwee dynesity by king ezana who was first accepted Christianity.

Why weren't the europe explorer unable to find a northwest passage to asia?

There never was one in the first place

What is the most popular religon in Europe?

It is christianity, but some would claim Islam, but I agree with the first.

What religion spread to Europe first and then around the world?

I'm not quite sure, but I think it's Christianity.

Where was Christianity practiced?

Rome, Jerusalem, 2000 years ago Christianity was just starting.

When did Christianity spread to modern Germany?

It first developed in rome, but moved up into Europe quickly. Germany is part of Europe

Where was Christianity born at?

According to history, Christianity was founded in Paelstine during the first century by the desciples of Jesus Christ. From Palestine the ideas were spread rapidly throughout the Roman Empire, however it took a while for the new religion to be accepted.