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radial artery

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Q: Which artery runs in the radial groove with radial nerve?
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What artery is vulnerable to injury because it runs superficially?

radial artery

What is the name of the larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery which runs along the medial portion of the forearm?

Radial artery

How does the radial nerve move in the body?

The radial nerve is the nerve that runs from the shoulder to the wrist. This nerve is sometimes referred to as the funny bone because of its placement. If the elbow is bumped in just the right place, it can cause a very funny sensation in the hand and arm.

What is the ulnar groove?

The ulnar groove also known as the ulnar sulcus is a slight depression found at the inferior, posterior, medial side of the humerus bone. The ulnar nerve runs downwards in the ulnar groove to go to the ulna.

What is femoral nerve?

The largest artery (leading away from the heart) in the body runs along the femur bone, in your leg. Checking the femoral pulse in this artery can tell you if someone with a faint pulse is still with us.

Where is the radial artery?

In the forearm, and it passes through what is referred to as the carpal tunnel formed by the transverse carpal ligament between the hamate hook and the trapezium carpal bones.Good thing you're not a doctor... it's on the THUMB-SIDE OF THE WRIST... NOT THE FOREARM.

Can you die from being punched in the armpit?

The brachial artery runs right through the armpit so being punched there could cause nerve damage or internal bleeding.

What is the artery that runs down the course of the anterior interventricular sulcus?

The left coronary artery

What runs on either side of the urinary bladder in the fetal pig?

the umbilical artery the umbilical artery

What is a diagonal artery?

There is a diagonal artery that is a branch of the left coronary artery on the surface of the heart. It is a diagonal artery simply because it runs diagonally across the anterior (front) of the heart.

What nerve runs through the elbow?

"In human anatomy, the ulnar nerve is a nerve which runs near the ulna bone. The ulnar collateral ligament of elbow joint is in relation with the ulnar nerve." -

You are suddenly no injury having radial sharp pain in your hip which runs down your leg and into your foot Is this bursitis?

sounds like its sciatic nerve pain. It starts in or around your hip/lower back and goes all the way down to you toes.