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The branch of philosophy known as aesthetics is concerned with feelings caused by sensory experiences. Aesthetics offers its practitioners a metric by which to judge works of art.

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Q: Which branch of philosophy is concerned with feelings caused by sensory experiences?
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Which philosophy is concerned with feelings caused by sensory experiences?

It is the Philosophy of Science, specifically Positivism.

What branch of philosophy is concerned with feelings caused by sensory experiences?


What best explain what an observation is?

sensory details about a writer's experiences

What are sensory experiences?

Sensory experiences include touch, movement, body awareness, sight, sound, smell, taste, and the pull of gravity.

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Sensory Integration International (SII), a non-profit corporation concerned with the impact of sensory integrative problems on people's lives

What is an hallucinations?

False or distorted sensory experiences that appear to be real perceptions.

What is the purpose of sensory details?

to appeal to the readers physical experiences

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The feelings experienced from autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) generally differ by person. The main notable feelings are head tingling, shoulder relaxation, calmness and sleepiness. Some people report other feelings such as thigh tingling.

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The other name for the sensory nerve is sensory neuron. These are nerve cells that transmit sight, sound, and feelings.

What are poetic triggers?

Poetic triggers are experiences, emotions, or stimuli that inspire a poet's creativity and spark new ideas or feelings that can be expressed through poetry. These triggers can range from personal events to sensory impressions or observations of the world around them.

What sensory experiences make up taste?

The sense of smell is involved in our experience of taste.