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I think raisin bread grows the fastest. I did an experiment on it once and while the white and wheat bread got hard just after two weeks, I noticed that the raisin bread had orange-brown spots on it. I hope this helpe. :D

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Q: Which bread molds fastest raisen white or wheat?
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Which bread molds faster wheat or white?

Wheat bread molds faster because it has fewer preservatives than white bread.

What molds the fastest white bread wheat bread multi grain bread or sourdough bread?

i think multigrain will grow faster because it has more chemical and proteins.

How can you make bread that mold?

any bread molds after about a week if you want it to mold faster keep it damp...if you want it to mold less keep it dry...little fun fact no preservative wheat bread molds the fastest

Which bread will mold faster white or wheat?

Wheat bread molds faster.

Which type of bread molds faster bought bread or backery bread?

I actually did my last year's science fair on this... In theory, the store-bought bread will mold more slowly than the bakery bread. This is because the store bought bread is baked with all kinds of preservatives to give it a longer shelf life. However, most bakery breads are not.

What type of bread molds faster?

whole wheat or white bread im trying to do my science fair project and i looked up that it can be whole wheat or white bread

What type of bread molds faster white or wheat or whole wheat?

it is asdfghjkl

Which bread molds faster wheat whiteor potatoes bread?

Potato bread molds quicker than the others. I cite a professional cook's opinion.

What bread molds quicker white or wheat?

The answer is Wheat.

Table of contents which bread mold the fastest wheat or white?


Is this a science fair project idea which molds faster wheat bread or white bread?

There is no way that anyone can tell you which will mold the fastest since we don't know all the variables, like moisture, the formulation of the bread, the quality of the ingredients or the conditions under which they were produced. In the U.S., all breads could have preservatives. And white bread is a wheat bread.

Does white or wheat bread mold faster?

How fast a bread molds depends on the amount of preservatives in the bread. If a bread has a lot of preservatives in it, it will mold less quickly than breads that don't have preservatives, no matter if it's wheat or white. Wheat breads are more likely to be "natural" and "preservative-free" though.