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A Dromedary - unlike the Bactrian which has 2.

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10y ago

a dromedary camel has only 1 hump.

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A camel with one hump is known as?

The dromedary, also know as Arabian camel has a single hump.

Where is Camel's Hump located at?

a camel's hump is located at the back of a camel.

What is the name of a double hump camel?

A humpbacked camel. Well, true, but the specific description for a double-humped camel is - Bactrian camel. A single-humped camel is called a dromedary (FYI)

Can 2 hump camel live longer than 1 hump camel?

They only have one hump!

Why a hump at the back of the camel?

the camel has a hump to store food in it so it can survive in the desert

Is name dromedary incorrect for a camel with one hump?

No. The dromedary or arabian camel has one hump.

Can camel have 2 humps?

The dromedary, one-humped or Arabian camel has a single hump and is well known for its healthy low fat milk, and the Bactrian camel has two humps.

Where is the camel for hump day?

In the commercial of the camel for Geico.

What is the importance of a camel's hump?

The hump on the camel's back provides nutrition, including moisture, when no food is available.

Is the hump special to a camel?

Contrary to popular belief, a camel's hump DOES NOT hold water! It actually holds fat the camel can use for water.

What is a camel hump?

The camel hump is the round structure you see on its back. It is use to store fat not water.

A------- has a hump on its back?

A camel