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Fast moving. sediment is heavy it settle out in slow water.

But a river that just became slow after being fast looks like it has the most, because of all the settling going on.

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Q: Which carries more sediment a fast moving river or a slow moving river?
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Does fast moving water carry less sediment than slow-moving water?

No. All other things being equal, fast water carries more sediment.

In what ways does a river carry it's load?

Fast-moving water actually lifts sand and other, smaller sediment and carries it downstream. Water dissolves some sediment completely. Most large sediment falls to the bottom and moves by rolling and sliding.

Which will cause more erosion a slow or fast moving river?

A fast moving river will. This is true because in a fast moving river more sediment is picked up from theedges of the stream and the bed making the riverwider and deeper. Also more rocks will be picked up eroding the other rocks.In a slow moving river less sediment will be picked up, and the river will erode slower.Therefor the river will also pick up less rocks and or smaller rocksthat wont erode the river as fast.

Does fast moving water carry more or less sediment?

Fast-moving water can carry more sediment than slow-moving water.

What carries more sediments a fast moving or a slow moving water?

Fast moving water.

Why would a fast flowing river have mostly sand sized particles of sediment?

Because the fast flow of water pushes the sand , to make it move, however slow moving water doesn't push over it as hard

When a fast moving rivers slows it results in the deposition of?


Could a fast flowing river carry very little sediment?

Fast moving water can carry more sediment. Firstly because the potential of erosion rises with flow speed; secondly because larger grains can be transported by faster water and thirdly because the volume flow per unit time increases with flow speed. The actual amount / concentration of sediment transported by a stream is very dependent on the geology of the catchment, i.e. the amount of soft sediment available for erosion.

Which will cause more erosion slow or fast moving river?

A fast-moving river will erode the land faster.

Will there be more oxygen in a fast moving stream or a slow moving river?

Fast moving stream

Do fast moving rivers carry more smaller or larger particlees of sediment?

Fast moving rivers are capable of carrying larger rock particles than slow moving rivers.

Bergs classification for river speed?

Shows how fast a river is moving