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Thylakoid are in chloroplasts. They contain photosynthetic pigments.

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They are in chloroplasts. They are stacks of membranes

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Q: Which cell part contains thylakoids
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What is the name of the cell part that is shaped like a flattened disc contains stroma and stacks of thylakoids and is the site of photosynthesis?

They are the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis.

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The chloroplast is the part of the plant that contains chlorophyll.

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Where is the thylakoids located in the cell?

The chloroplasts

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Chloroplasts contain thylakoids and chlorophyll. These are only found in plant cells.

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The part of a cell that contains organelles is called the cytoplasm in Eurkaryotic cells

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Chloroplasts are specialized organelles which contain chlorophyll which absorbs energy from sunlight. The process of photosynthesis takes place in thylakoids which are organized in stacks called grana.

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The chromoplasts are the plastids in plant cells that contain the pigments. Carrot roots, flower petals, etc. all contain chromoplasts that give them their unique colors. Chloroplasts contain thylakoids, and the thylakoids are what contains the chlorophyll that gives plants their green color.

Where is the chlorophyll located inside of a cell?

In a plant cell, the chlorophyll is found in the mesophyll tissue, which contains the chloroplasts. Inside the chloroplasts are structures called thylakoids where the chlorophyll pigment is housed.