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The nucleus of the bacterial cell is not well-organised like the cells of the multicellular organisms. There is no nuclear membrane. The cells having nuclear material without nuclear membrane are termed Prokaryotic cells. The organisms with these kinds of cell are called Prokaryotes(pro:primitive; Karyon: nucleus). Examples are bacteria and blue green algae.

The cells, like onion cells and check cells having well-organised nucleus with a nuclear membrane are designated as Eukaryotic cells. All organisms other than bacteria and blue green algae are called Eukaryotes. (eu: true ; karyon: nucleus).

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12y ago
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12y ago

Eukaryotic means "true nucleus"

Prokaryotic means "before nucleus"

If a cell has a nucleus, that makes it eukaryotic.

Plant and animal cells are generally eukaryotic.

Bacteria cells are generally prokaryotic.

I say generally because there are always exceptions to rules, even in science.

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16y ago

A prokaryotic cell means that there is no nucleus. An eurkaryotic cells has a nucleus. To remember the difference, I used the saying "Eukaryote - you got a nucleus!"

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8y ago

prokaryotic cells have genetic material that is not contained in a nucleus.eukaryoutic cells contain an ucleus in which their genetic materal is separated fron the rest of the cell

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11y ago

they are different kinds of cells from different things (plants and animals)

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14y ago

Prokaryotic don't have a nucleus and are like bacteria and eukaryotic have a nucleus and we have those.

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The main primary difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that the prokaryotic cells don't contain a nucleus. The eukaryotic cells are also larger than the prokaryotic cells.

Do people have prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells?

The cells found in the human body are eukaryotic cells. Organisms that have eukaryotic cells are usually multicellular like humans. Organisms that have prokaryotic cells are usually unicelluar, like bacteria.

Are cells prokaryotic?

Cells can be prokaryotic, but they can be eukaryotic as well.