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they create deposits called dunes

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Q: Which characteristic is common to all agents of erosion?
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What characteristic is common to all agents of erosion?

the common agents of erosion is water , to improved

What is one characteristic that all agents of erosion have in common?

One characteristic that all agents of erosion have in common is movement. Water, wind, ice, and waves all cause erosion by creating friction from movement against the materials that become eroded.

How is gravity differ from all other agents of erosion?

no erosion

What is underlying force of all agents of erosion?


What do all forms of erosion involve?

Erosion can be caused by rain, wind, glaciers, and other agents, but all forms of erosion involve weathering.

What climatic conditions produce wind erosion?

It is an agent of erosion and it drives the other agents of erosion. this didn't help CeCe at all??

What is the driving force behind all agents of erosion?

Gravity is the driving force behind all agents of erosion. If there is no gravity, rain will not fall and running water will not happen. Similarly, wind, glacial activity and waves are driven by gravity.

What are 3 agents on earth that cause erosion?

Rain, wind and sea. basically all of the eliments.

What common characteristic do all producers have?

All producers are plants

What characteristic do all have in common?

none of them dissolves in water

Which is not a characteristic common to all mineral?

metallic luster

Is gravity a force of erosion?

Gravity is an agent of erosion... I'm not quite sure if it is erosion. In the science textbook I have right in front of me it says and I quote, "Gravity, running water, waves, wind and glaciers are all causes, or agents, of erosion. Although it says it's an agent of erosion it doesn't say it is erosion. An agent is a "cause" of something.