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The parasympathetic division of the central nervous system

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Q: Which component of the nervous system calms the body after the fight-or-flight response?
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What component of the nervous system is associated with fight or fight response?

sympathetic nervous system.

What commponent of the nervous system is associated with the fight or flight response?

sympathetic component.

The somatic nervous system is a component of what nervous system?

peripheral nervous system

The structure that brings about response in the nervous system?

The effector such as a muscle or gland brings about response in the nervous system.

What nervous system carries the response to the rest of the body when a response to information is initiated?

The central nervous system

When a response to information is initiated the what nervous system carries the response to the rest of the body?

The central nervous system

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What component of the nervous system is associated with the fight or flight?

sympathetic nervous system.

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Which system coordinates the body response to changes in its internal and external environment?

The nervous system coordinates the body's response to changes in the internal and external environments The sense organs are part of the peripheral nervous system..

What is nervous tissues?

Nervous tissue is the main component of the two parts of the nervous system which are the brain and spinal cord of the central nervous system. It is also the main component of the branching peripheral nerves of the peripheral nervous system, which regulates and controls bodily functions and activity.

What components of the nervous system is associated with the fight or flight response?

sympathetic nervous system.