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Diamonds are mined on every continent on earth except Europe and Antarctica.

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Q: Which country do diamonds come from?
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What country do blood diamonds come from?

blood diamonds come from siera leon

What country do diamonds come from?

Diamonds are mined on every continent except Europe and Antarctica.

Which country did diamonds come from in the imperialism period?

South Africa

What is the largest country to produce diamonds?

Canada is a large country that produces diamonds.

Where do most industrial diamonds come from?

Industrial diamonds come from diamond mines, in fact about 75% of all diamonds mined are industrial diamonds.

Do all diamonds come with certification of authenticity?

Not all diamonds come with certification of authenticity.

Where did diamonds come form?

All diamonds come from deep within the earth's core.

Where do diamonds mostly come from?

Mostly, natural diamonds come from deep within the earth.

Do diamonds come from organic material?

Diamonds are formed from carbon.

What countries do not mine diamonds?

There are no diamonds mined in any European country.

Which country uses diamonds?

Every country uses diamonds, about 25% usually for jewelery and the remainder for industrial applications.

What do diamonds look like when they come out of the ground?

when diamonds come out of the ground they are rough and not as pretty as in jewelery stores