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Facial nerve (CN VII) is responsible for the lacrimal gland which produces tears.

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Source: Introduction to the Human Body by Gerard Tortora and Bryan Derrickson

The facial nerve controls the tear glands

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Q: What nerve that controls tear glands?
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Facial nerve?

The facial nerve, also known as the seventh cranial nerve (CN VII), is an important nerve in the human body responsible for controlling various facial muscles. The facial nerve is essential for facial expression, the sense of taste, and certain functions related to hearing and balance. Here is a detailed overview of the facial nerve, its functions, anatomy, and related conditions: Functions of the facial nerve: Engine function: The main function of the facial nerve is to control facial expression muscles. It stimulates the muscles that allow us to smile, frown, close our eyes, move our lips, and make many other facial movements. Taste sensation: The facial nerve carries taste information from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, including the taste buds for sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes. Salivary glands: The facial nerve also innervates the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, which are responsible for the production and digestion of saliva. Tear glands and nasal glands: It controls the lacrimal (tear) and nasal glands, contributing to tearing and the production of nasal secretions.

Which glands secrete tears?

tear glands

What glands secrete milk and tears?

The one that produce milk are the mammalry or the pectorial glands, not sure on the tear thing, all I know about that is the common name=tear-ducts.

What cranial nerve is not in involved in either taste or smell?

Optic Nerve = Vision Oculomotor Nerve = Eye movement; pupil constriction Trochlear Nerve = Eye movement Trigeminal Nerve = Somatosensory information (touch, pain) from the face and head; muscles for chewing. Abducens Nerve = Eye Movement Vestibulocochlear Nerve = Hearing; balance Vagus Nerve = Sensory, motor and autonomic functions of viscera (glands, digestion, heart rate) Spinal Accessory Nerve = Controls muscles used in head movement. Hypoglossal Nerve = Controls muscles of tongue

What system involves the excretion of a teardrop?

The system that is involved in tear production includes the tear ducts and glands and is called the tear system. The nervous system is involved as well. The production of tears in involuntary and mostly via the facial nerve (5th cranial) and the trigeminal (7th).See link below:

What are the two types of glands?

The two types of glands in a human body are ductless glands and duct glands. A few of the duct glands are tear ducts, sweat glands, and salivary glands.

What glands controls and regulates all other glands and it secretes growth hormones?

the pituitary glands

What cranial nerve controls the ears?

auditory nerve

Can tear glands be smaller than normal?

Yes .

Do cattle cry when sad?

No, no tear glands you see.

What nerve controls quadriceps muscle group?

Femoral nerve

What happens if a nerve connection is broken?

no a nerve cannot tear but they can burst.