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Mortgage companies use your FICO score, Credit card companies use you Advantage Score which is a different scoring formula from FICO

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Q: Which credit score is used by lenders most frequently?
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Can you get a loan with a 616 credit score?

Most lenders require at least a 640 credit score for a mortgage.

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What is the lowest a cosignee's credit score can be?

Most lenders prefer a cosigner to have a credit score of at least 620. However, cosigners with a credit score of 720 or above is always preferred.

Which credit bureau's FICO score is used by lenders most frequently?

In the case of a major credit application such as a mortgage, all three bureau's are pulled in what is known as a Tri-Merge Report. Of all three FICO scores. the high score as well as the low score is disregarded. The middle score, regardless of the bureau it happens to be from is the one that is considered.

What is a good credit score to rent a condo?

Any credit score (also called a FICO score) of 650 or higher, most lenders will be comfortable with. Any score over 700 is considered an excellent risk.

How Essential Is My Credit Score When I Am Looking For A Commercial Loan?

A borrower's credit score is very important to the approval of a commercial loan. When there are occasional exceptions, most lenders need a credit score of 650 or more for a commercial loan. Furthermore, recent bankruptcy is nearly always a stumbling block.

How will my credit score effect my investments like my home?

Credit score ranges are interpretted differently by different lenders. There are three major companies that gives scores and most lenders will look at all three to get a range. Generally, if you have a score that is 700 or greater you would have "good" credit. Anything lower than 620 would be considered "high risk".

Can you get car loan with a 620 credit score?

Scores range from the low 400s to well past 800. The higher the score, the better the credit rating. Most lenders use a break of somewhere around 620 as the determining factor of a regular loan versus what is called a "sub prime" or higher-risk loan. Some lenders will not extend credit to people with under 620 credit scores and other lenders will offer those loans, but at a higher interest rate.

Which of the credit scores is used when purching a home Beacon Empirica or Fair Isaac?

Most lenders use the Middle score of all three. There are some lenders that allow you to use your highest score or average score. If you need any further assistance locating any information feel free to contact me.

What Is The Credit Score Requirement For A Small Business Loan?

For a business loan, your personal and business credit scores (if relevant) are taken into consideration. Lenders will commonly accept a business credit score of 75 and above (primarily based on 1 to 100) and a personal score of at least 640.

How easy is it to get a Bad Credit Mobile Home Loan?

Not easy. Most lenders require a certain credit score in order to get a loan. Even if you just barely make the minimum requirement you shouldn't expect a good rate. With the company I work for the minimum is 640 on the credit score.

What credit score is good for applying for credit?

In general terms, any score above a 740 score is considered excellent. However, every lender sets their own standards and their own tolerance for risk. At this time many lenders will consider that 650 is the point between what most consider a prime and sub-prime lender. What is considered a good score will be different for different lenders. Auto lenders like to see scores above 700 while a FHA mortgage lender likes to see a score of at least 640 for the best interest rates.