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Information analysis and Infrastructure protection develops systems to detect and mitigate the consequences of a terrorist attack.

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Q: Which directorate of the Department of Homeland Security develops systems to detect and mitigate the consequences of terrorist attack?
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What department was created after the September 11 terrorist attacks?

The Department of Homeland Security

Which executive department would most likely try to stop a terrorist attack?

the department of homeland security

Who works to prevent terrorist attacks within the US?

The Department of Homeland Security.

Which organization was created in 2003 to designed to prevent terrorist attacks on the US?

Department of Homeland Security

Why was the Department of Homeland Security was created and when?

The Department of Homeland Security was created because of 9/11/ 01 terrorist attacks and the threat of future terrorist attacks. The department cooperates with US internal law enforcement agencies. It also shares terrorist information with other nations fighting terrorism. The department monitors Internet traffic as well. This is because terrorists frequently use the Internet to communicate.

Was agency was created to coordinate domestic efforts to protect the US against terrorist attacks and threats?

Office of Homeland Security

Is the FBI part of Department of Homeland Security?

The President George W. Bush established the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council, following the tragic events of September 11. The officials of Department of homeland security develop and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to strengthen protections against terrorist threats or attacks in the United States.

Which government organization was created in 2002 in order to prevent terrorist attacks and respond to natural disasters?

Department of Homeland Security

What is the homeland security department?

The President George W. Bush established the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council, following the tragic events of September 11. The officials of Department of homeland security develop and coordinate a comprehensive national strategy to strengthen protections against terrorist threats or attacks in the United States.

What federal U.S. department was founded in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11 2001?

The Department of Homeland Security is a program developed as a direct result of the attacks on 9/11.

Which of the following best describes the responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security?

to coordinate intelligence gathering, secure U.S. borders, and prevent terrorist attacks

Why the attacks terrorist?

the terrorist attack because they were mad at the homeland security...