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lactase breaks down lactose into glucose and glucose monomers.

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Q: Which enzyme catabolyzes lactose sugar into monosacharides?
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What digest milk sugar?

The enzyme lactose.Lactose.

Can milk be non-lactose?

Milk naturally contains the sugar lactose. Lactose-free milk is made by 'pre-digesting' the lactose in the milk. This is done by adding the enzyme lactase to the milk. The enzyme breaks down the lactose and people who can't digest lactose properly (lactose intolerance) can drink the milk without side-effects.

What Enzyme is Present in Lactaid?

The enzyme that breaks down lactose (milk sugar) is called lactase, and a deficiency can prevent the body from digesting lactose.The Lactaid supplements provide lactase. However the Lactaid brand dairy foods have already been processed to break down the lactose sugar, and do not provide the enzyme.

What sugar is responsible for lactose intolerance?

Galactose is involved with lactose intolerance, but is not responsible for lactose intolerance. The enzyme that is missing or is not found in great enough quantities in the body, lactase, is responsible for not breaking down lactose. This is how the intolerance comes about. The body cannot properly break down lactose without the enzyme lactase present.

How do use enzyme in a sentence?

Since enzyme is a noun, it can be the subject or object in a sentence. Here is an example of the noun "enzyme" being used: Mary lacked the enzyme for digesting lactose which is the sugar in milk.

What type of sugar is found in milk?


Is lactase a protein?

Yes; Lactase is an enzyme (protein) that breaks down the sugar lactose found in milk.

Is lactase a sweetener?

No. Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is a sweetener, sort of: it's a type of sugar.

What goes into disaccharide?

is the sugar formed when two monosacharides (simple sugars) are joined by glycosdic linkage. Like monosaccharides, disaccharides are oluble in water. Three common examples are ucrose, lactose, and maltose.

How does lactid help with lactase intolerance?

It helps with lactose intolerance because contains the enzyme Lactase which if you are Lactose intolerant you body doesn't produce this enzyme and the enzyme lactase in Lactaid pills breaks down the milk sugar(Lactose) making it easier for your body to digest dairy foods. Taken off of my box of Lactaid

What is monosacharides?

The word monosacharides can be broken down into 2 parts mono meaning one and sacharide meaning sugar thus saying that monosacharides have a compound structure that consists of one sugar

What is a lactose?

Lactose is a sugar found in milk (particularly cow's milk). Some people can not digest this sugar - they are genetically unable to make the enzyme lactase!. The sugar therfore remains in the gut where gut bacteria and fungi feast on it causing stomach problems. When this happens the person is said to be "lactose Intolerant".