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Q: Which figure area formula is most similar to the area formula for a parallelogram?
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Which figure's area formula is most similar to the area formula for a parallelogram?


Which formula is similar to the formula for the area of a parallelagram?

The area of a parallelogram is base x height.

How is the formula for the parallelogram related to the area formula of the rectangle?

The area formula for the parallelogram is related to the area formula for a rectangle because you can make the parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area.

What is the formula area of a parallelogram?

The formula for area of a parallelogram is bh. Base times height.

Why would the formula of area of a parallelogram be similar to a rectangle?

Because the area of a parallelogram is length times perpendicular height and the area of a rectangle is also length times perpendicular height

How do you find out the area of a parallelogram?

A formula is needed to find the area of a parallelogram. It is a very simple formula which notates Area = base x height.

How is the formula for the area of a triangle related to the formula for an area of a parallelogram?

Area of a triangle = 0.5*base*perpendicular height Area of a parallelogram = base*perpendicular height

Which formula for the area of a parallogram is similar to a rectangle circle triangle ellipse or trapezoid?

Rectangle Area of parallelogram = Base * Height Area of rectangle = Base * Height

A parallelogram and the area of a what have the same formula for area?


How do you find the surface area of a parallelogram?

The formula to find the surface area of a parallelogram is Base*Height.

Formula for unknown altitude of a parallelogram?

Hopefully you've been given the parallelogram's area. If so you can use the following formula: Area of parallelogram = base length x altitude therefore altitude = area of parallelogram (divided by) base length

What is formula of a parallelogram?

Assuming that you are asking about the formula for the AREA of a parallelogram (there is no formula for a parallelogram), A = bh where A is the "area", b is the length of any side (called a "base"), and h is the "height" measured perpendicular from that base to the opposite side.