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which form(s) of endocytosis involves a receptor

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Q: Which form of endocytosis involves a receptor?
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Which processes involves specific membrane receptors?

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Does the phagocytosis process involves specific membrane receptors?

no that would be facilitated diffusion. nice try though.

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What Is receptor mediated transport?

Endocytosis is the bulk transfer of materials from inside to outside of a cell with the help of special vesicles. Types of Endocytosis : 1) phagocytosis 2) potocytosis 3) receptor mediated endocytosis

How receptor medicated endocytosis is more specific than pinocytosis and phagocytosis?

Endocytosis occurs when a substance is brought into the cell. Phagocytosis is a type of endocytosis, and is called cell eating. Pinocytosis is cell drinking, another type of endocytosis.

The difference between pinocytosis and receptor-mediated endocytosis is that?

Pinocytosis is nonselective in the molecules it brings into the cell, whereas receptor-mediated endocytosis offers more selectivity.

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What type endocytosis engulfing of fluid in membrane vesicles?

fluid=pinocytosis particle=phagocytosis