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unleaded petrol from asda

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Q: Which fuel releases the most heat energy?
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Which fuel releases the most energy per Kilogram?


Which form of energy is released or absorbed in most chemical reactions?

If there is any type of energy given offduring a chemical reaction, it is most likely to be heat or light. However, heat and light often come together, and there are more reactions known to give heat without light than the other way around. Thus, I would go for heat then. (simply put)

What energy is gas on stove?

The energy comes from the gas which is usually a hydrocarbon fuel. The fuel produces heat energy when it burns with oxygen in the air. The burning process releases chemical potential energy in the carbon. Carbon dioxide is produced and the carbon-oxygen chemical bonds in the carbon dioxide release heat when they are formed. Most of the carbon in the gas was originally taken from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by the action of plants. With the Sun's heat the plants separated out the carbon and oxygen, which resulted in stored energy, and that is the energy that runs the gas stove.

Do fuels give off heat energy when they burn?

Yes, anything that burns with fire gives off heat energy. ----

How do you change chemical energy to heat energy?

Energy can be stored in chemical bonds such as in ATP molecules in our bodies. However, the most common chemical energy to heat energy conversions that comes to mind are explosions, such as dynamite. Nitroglycerin is a chemical that stores energy and releases it explosively in the form of heat, light, and kinetic energy.

What happens to most of the energy from the breakdown of food?

All energy eventually turns to heat. No exceptions.

Is Most of the sun's energy is in the form of heat energy?

The Sun has an enormous amount of heat energy, but it seems logical that it has a much greater reserve of energy that has not been converted to heat yet - its nuclear fuel, in form of hydrogen.

What happens to the energy from fuel that is not used to perform work?

Most of it is converted to heat, but the remainder is wasted.

When fossil fuels are burned how is most of the energy released?

Fossil fuel molecules have energy in the form of chemical bonds holding the atoms together. When burning, some energy is used to break these bonds. Oxygen the combines with the atoms of the fuel forming bonds with less energy. The difference in the energy of the old bonds and the new bonds is released as both heat and light. Most of the energy is released as heat.

Why is heat the most common form of wasted energy?

Heat energy is the most wasted form of energy.

Which process releases the most energy into the atmosphere?

What process does the atmosphere release heat? A.precipitation B.evaporation C.condensation D.exploration The answer is C

What releases the most of the chemical energy stored in glucose?
