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egyptians Which group settled on the mainland of Greece?Mycenaeans

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which group never settled in Greece?


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Q: Which group never settled in Greece minoans aegeans egyptians or mycenaeans?
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Which group settled on the mainland of Greece?


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which group never settled in Greece? egyptians

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Why are the Minoans not considered Greek but the Myceneans are?

The argument is muddied by different terminologies used by archaeologists - pre-Minoan/first early Minoan/Phase 1/Neolithic and others. So if you want to have something before Minoan, you can cherry-pick a particular word. The Greek-ness of these peoples is also a matter of word use. What is 'Greek'? These early peoples were not the same as the peoples we call Greek. In earlier times, the Indo-European nomads who settled the Mediteranean littoral split up into peoples ranging from Latins in the west to Arcadians, Ionian, Aetolians, Dorians and other Hellenes (Greeks). It is better to talk of groups such as Minoans, Mycenaeans, Aeolians etc rather that try to argue about what to call some earlier people with a fabricated name which we do not know what they were, other than Neolithics.