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Q: Which group of disorders has an inherited lack of factor necessary for blood to clot?
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Sickle cell anemia and some nerve and brain disorders are examples of inherited diseases. These inherited diseases pass from parent to child via chromosomal exchange.

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some people have inherited disorders that prevent their bodies from properly using and eliminating fats. This allows cholesterol to build up in the blood.

Is a group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which a blood clotting factor is missing?


What is a group of hereditary bleeding disorders in which a blood-clotting factor is missing?


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What is the function of the intrinsic factor?

Intrinsic factor is necessary for the proper absorption of vitamin b12 which is necessary for red blood cell maturation, and therefore prevents pernicious anemia

How is human blood inherited?

most common blood type is inherited by chilld

How many blood types are there how blood type is inherited?

To the second question the answer, in short, is YES; To answer the first question, there are four logical blood types: A, B, AB, and O. Then there is the Rhesus factor: either positive or negative. So there are actually eight types of blood a human can have: one of the above types with a negative Rhesus factor or with a positive Rhesus factor. Rhesus factor is a factor which compares human blood to a Rhesus monkey's blood. A negative result means your blood is not comparable to a Rhesus monkey. Blood types are inherited from your parents. If one parent has type A+, and the other has a B-, your blood type can either come out as A, + or -, or B, + or -, or the rare AB, + or - but not O. While type O negative is the universal donor, type AB positive is a universal recipient.

How is human blood types inherited?

most common blood type is inherited by chilld

Can a woman who has B positive blood and a man who has AB- blood have a child with AB positive blood?

My understanding is that the blood type and Rh factor are independently inherited, so that all the combinations are possible: B+, B-, AB+, and AB-

How was the rh factor named?

it is the inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells