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Group 1 elements in the Periodic Table is known as alkali. They are basic in nature.

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Q: Which group of elements in the periodic table is known as the alkali?
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The group 1 elements on the periodic table are known as the?

The alkali metals.

Where is alkali metals located on the periodic table and their group number?

The alkali metals are group 1, also known as group 1A.

The elements in a group 1 of the periodic table are commonly called the?

The elements in Group 1 are also known as alkali metals, or they are sometimes referred to as the lithium family. Answer: Alkali Metals or Lithium Family

Which group of elements in the periodic table is known as the alkali metal?

Group 1 sodium potassium etc

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The elements known as the alkali metals are found in Group?

The elements known as alkali metals are found in group I

What group are in alkali metals in?

The alkali metals are group 1 on the periodic table.

Why the elements of Group 1 are generally known as alkali metals?

Group 1 elements are known as alkali metals because they react with water to form alkali (or bases).

What is are metals?

group 1 elements of the Periodic Table are known as alkali metals(i.e:Li,Na,K,Rb,Se,Fr)

What families are in Group one periodic table?

Group one of the periodic table is known as the alkali metal group and includes the elements lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and francium (Fr).

Definition of alkali metal?

The term, alkaline metal, means any of the Group I metals:lithium,sodium,potassium,rubidium,cesium,francium.

Is a group of elements in the periodic table known as a family of elements?

Yes it is a group is a family remember that when dealing with the periodic table.