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60. K= 1/2mv^2 therefore when v is larger, there is more kinetic energy

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Q: Which has a greater kinetic energy a car traveling at 30 km h or a car half that mass traveling at 60 km h?
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What happens to an object kinetic energy if the object speed increases?

The kinetic energy will increase. Kinetic energy is defined by K=one half mv2 where m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object. The greater the velocity, the greater the kinetic energy. Since the velocity is squared, increasing it will cause the kinetic energy to grow much faster than if you increased the mass.

What kind of kinetic energy does a car and bus traveling at 60 mph have?

Kinetic energy is given by 1/2 M x V2, that is one half mass x velocity squared

When you have kinetic energy you must have?

When you have kinetic energy, you must have a mass and a velocity since kinetic energy is half the product of the mass and the square of the velocity.

How does the kinetic energy of a body change if its momentum is halved?

Since momentum is proportional to the velocity, half the momentum means half the velocity (and therefore half the speed). And since kinetic energy is proportional to the SQUARE of the speed, half the speed means 1/4 the kinetic energy.

What has kinetic and potential energy?

A roller coaster is a good example for a place to find both kinetic and potential energy. Before a drop, it has potential energy. At the end of a drop, it has kinetic energy. Half way through the drop, it has kinetic and potential energy at the same time.

When you cut your speed in half you cut your kinetic energy by?


What has the greatest amount of kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy = one-half the product of an object's massand the square of its speed.So, the object with the greatest product of (mass) x (speed)2 has the greatest kinetic energy.

How do the mass and speed of and object affect the kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the mass times one half the velocity squared. KE = ½mv².

How do the mass and speed of an objects affect the kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the mass times one half the velocity squared. KE = ½mv².

What happens to the kinetic energy of a body if its speed is reduced to half?

If the speed of a moving body is reduced to half, its kinetic eneergy is reduced to 1/4 .

What is the kinectic energy of a bicycle with a mass of a 14 kg traveling at a valocity of 3 ms?

Kinetic energy is half the mass times the square of the speed. Joules = (14/2) x 32 = 7 x 9 = 63 joules.

What is an average kinetic energy of the particle of a substance?

The term kinetic energy means the energy of motion. It is calculated by multiplying one half of the mass of the moving object by the square of the velocity.