

Which is bigger four thirds or 4?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Which is bigger four thirds or 4?
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I'm mostly sure that four sixths is bigger than two thirds.

Is four thirds bigger than seven eights?

Yes 4/3 > 7/8

Which is bigger two thirds or four ninths?

Common DenomenatorFirst you need a common denomenator.2/3 4/9you can multiply 2/3 by 3/3 to make it 6/9look at the number on top. is 6 bigger than 4? or is 4 bigger than 6?6 is bigger than four, so 2/3 is bigger than 4/9

Which is greater two fifths or four sixths?

Four sixths is bigger. Since if you simplify four sixths is equivalent to two thirds. So two thirds is bigger than two fifths, just like one half is bigger than two thirds.

Is two thirds bigger than four eighths?

Yes 2/3 is 66.6% . 4/8 is 50%.

Is three fourths bigger than four thirds?

Typically a fraction is an easy way of writing a decimal. Divide the numerator by the denominator and you get your answer. Three Fourths 3/4 = 3 divided by 4 = .75 Four Thirds 4/3 = 4 divided by 3= 1.33333[cont.] 4/3 is bigger because 4 is a bigger number and it can go into 3 more than once. Hence 1.3333[cont.]

Is four thirds greater than three fourths?

yes four thirds is greater than three fourths as 4 third is bigger than one whole and 3/4 is not if you have a look. 4/3 has a smaller denominator than the numerator so that means it is bigger than 1 whole. 3/4 has a bigger denominator than the numerator so it is less than one whole.

Is five sixes bigger tan two thirds?

Yes, two thirds is equivelant to four sixths.

Is 4 or 12 3rds bigger?

4 thirds = 1 and one third. 12 thirds = 4.

Is two thirds bigger than four fifths?

No. Two-thirds is (16 and 2/3 percent) less than four-fifths.

What is bigger 4 fifths or 2 thirds?

4 fifths

Which one is bigger 4 over 3 or 2 over 3?

The answer is suggested more clearly in the typical reading of those fractions ... "four thirds" and "two thirds". Spoken and heard in that format, it's only necessary to point out, in answer, that four of anything is bigger than two of the same thing.