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A unique experience! , :P lol.

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Q: Which is correct A unique experience or an unique experience?
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Which is the correct grammar to use in this sentence A unique experience or An unique experience?

The correct form is "a unique experience".

How do you spell expeirence?

The correct spelling is "experience"

Had never been experience-is this a correct sentence?

No - the sentence 'Had never been experience' is not a correct sentence.

What is correct B years' experience or B year's experience?

The correct phrasing would be "B years' experience," indicating that the experience spans multiple years.

How do you spell unique?

The spelling "unique" (one of a kind) is correct.

Is passed experience correct usage?

No, it should be past experience

What is the write spelling of experience?

The correct spelling is "experience."

Is most unique proper grammar?

No, "most unique" is not correct usage. "Unique" means one of a kind, so something is either unique or it is not: there cannot be different degrees of uniqueness, and something cannot be very unique or most unique. It is not uncommon to hear people say "very unique" or "most unique", but this is not correct. They should be using "unusual" if they want to use it with "very" or "most".

Which is correct an once-in-a-lifetime experience or a once-in-a-lifetime experience?

The second one a once-in-a-lifetime experience

How do you spell expierance?

The correct spelling is "experiment" (a test of a scientific hypothesis).

How do you spell expiereince?

The correct spelling is 'experience'.

How do you spell expireince?

The correct spelling is experience.