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The moon is only strong enough to push and pull the tides in the ocean on earth. The earths pull is so strong it moves the entire moon in circles.

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Q: Which is greater the moon's pull on earth or earths pull on the moon?
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What is a true statement about the moon?

The Moon orbits the Earth. The Moons gravity causes Earths tides to ebb and flow.

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The name of the Earths moon is, Moon. A name was not given to the moon at the time it was discovered because no one knew that there were other moons.

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The sun does not orbit around the moon. The earth orbits the sun and the earths moon (every planet has 1 or more moons) orbits earth.

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The moon's gravity is about 1/6th of Earth's.

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When you are you closer to the Moon's surface or the earths core?

None, only the earths core is more closer, the moons surface is 37.000 Vertices from earth

The moon's diameter would fit in the Earth's diameter?

Yes. The moons size is 1/6th of earths so it can fit in the earth.

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What is th earths moons called?

The Moon