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It will depend on the specific metal. Many metals will tarnish or corrode in its pure form, but in the ore will remain stable.

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Q: Which is more stable pure metal or its ore?
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What is the mass in g of pure copper ore metal?

It depends how much of it you have.

What happens when making metal?

You can not actually make metal but you can obtain metal from an ore of that metal. The ore is a chemical compound of that metal and the process of smelting the ore involvesf breaking the compound up using heat and "reducing it" essentially removing oxygen - to leave the pure metal.

What is the process of obtaining pure metal from ore called?

is it called purification or refining

What are the metals called which occur in the rocks in the form of?

The metal in rocks is metal ore. Copper ore, iron ore, and so on. In general, once the ore has been quarried or mined, the ore is crushed and smelted (heated to a high temperature) allowing the now molten metal to be retrieved. The waste rock is dumped. Further processing is needed to obtain a finished metal in as pure a state as possible.

How much metal could you extract from 1000g of on ore containing 1 percent metal?

The answer to this question is a simple math equation. If 1000g of ore can yield 1% metal from quantity all that needs to be done is divide 1,000 by 100 to find the answer. 10g of pure metal can be extracted from 1000g of ore.

What is the difference between gold ore and iron ore. Why can we see small pieces of yellow metal in gold ore but no iron metal in iron ore?

gold is very resistant to corrosion so a significant fraction of gold ore is pure gold metal. iron corrodes very easily so iron ore is always mostly a mix of iron oxides (i.e. rusts).

What is the process the happens to ore in order to be turned into metal?

The process in know as heating the ore to a very high temperature so that it melts and becomes liquid. The liquid ore is now poured into molds and then cools. When cooled you have now have blocks of metal. **Improvement The ore is put in a blast furnace along with carbon if the metal is less reactive than carbon. The carbon displaces the metal in the compound, and the metal is formed. The metal is not completely pure. This is the classic case of Iron. This is pig iron, and is not very useful as it is brittle. It can be purified by electrolysis. Electrolysis allows any compound to be decomposed electrically. This is used for metals which are more reactive than Carbon, or metals which need to be very pure, like Copper for wiring.

How is mercury separated from its raw material?

The raw ore (cinnabar) is heated - causing the pure metal to separate from the waste sulfides.

How do you produce aluminum?

Aluminium is produced when you heat the ore 'Bauxite' to a high enough temperature. On melting, the ore separates into the pure metal, and the waste rock which floats as a layer of 'slag' to be removed.

What is metal ores?

Metallic ores are rocks that contain metals.Sometimes it contains a metal compound, like Hematite, an ore of Iron, Fe2O3, for example. They can also contain metals that are found in their pure form, like copper (which can form compounds, but not usually when found in ore) and Gold (which does not form compounds). This is known as a 'native' metal.

Where do you get a metal ore on havest moon back to nature?

how do i get a metal ore