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underground aquifers

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8y ago

An aquifer is underground.

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Q: Which is not a kind of surface water pond stream aquifer or runoff?
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Running water above earth surface?

surface runoff (also known as overland flow or terrestrial runoff) is the unconfined flow of water over the ground surface, in contrast to channel runoff (or stream flow)

Under which conditions will the amount of water in surface runoff be most likely to exceed the amount of water recharging an aquifer?

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How does the water cycle go around?

Say you are a water droplet in the ocean. This is how your day goes; Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Runoff, Transpiration, Infiltration, Aquifer, Surface Water in the ocean.

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What are the human impacts on surface runoff?

Urbanization increases surface runoff, by creating more impervious surfaces such as pavement and buildings, that do not allow percolation of the water down through the soil to the aquifer. It is instead forced directly into streams or storm water runoff drains, where erosion and siltation can be major problems, even when flooding is not. Increased runoff reduces groundwater recharge, thus lowering the water table and making droughts worse, especially for farmers and others who depend on water wells.

What is the process in which a stream is made?

First the water will rain down, causing runoff, and the runoff water will carry dirt and sediment with it, causing a stream to form overtime as the runoff trail keeps on indenting into the ground.

What is water that flows across earths surface?


What is Water that is below surface?

Ground water, or an aquifer.

What is water that enters an aquifer from the surface?


What is snowmelt runoff?

Runoff is water that flows over the ground surface. Snowmelt runoff is runoff from melting snow.

How runoff water can pollute a river or stream?

runoff can pollute a river or stream because when the water flows over the ground, it could pick up some trash or garbage on the ground, and the garbage could flow with the runoff. Then when the runoff enters a stream, lake, or ocean, the garbage will flow into the water, causing pollution.

What is reliable runoff?

Surface runoff of water that generally can be counted on as a stable source of water from year to year.