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Meiosis is responsible for genetic variation

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Q: Which is responsible for genetic variation mitosis or meiosis?
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Why does meiosis result in more genetic variation than mitosis?

It would be wrong to consider mitosis insignificant as it helps in cell repair and replacement in our daily life and it would be impossible to survive without it and asexual reproduction as well but if it weren't for meiosis, none of us would have been born :) Meiosis is responsible for the division for our gamete cells which leads to the formation a zygote. from there on mitosis takes over.

Does random alignment of chromosomes during Meiosis produce genetic variations?

In meiosis crossing over may occur at certain points on a chromatid. Crossing over is where variation occurs in allele combination. When a Zygote is formed alleles from mother and father cross over.. this is why you may have some features resembling your father and your mother... or grandma or grandpa... etc... There can be mutations ( messups ) in mitosis but the actual process results in no genetic variation. AP bio

What is copied before mitosis begins?

DNA, the genetic material, of course. Also mitochondria and chloroplasts need to divide. This is the process of mitosis where two daughter cells are produced and both will need the complete complement of genetic material; DNA.

The process of what produces a new copy of an organism's genetic information?

The process that makes a new copy of an organism's genetic information and then passes it on to new cells is called mitosis.

How does variation occur?

Variation or mutation occurs within the DNA. It is a natural result of the replication process, or the copying of one DNA strand to make new DNA during reproduction. If the new mutation ends up making some kind of variation that does not kill the organism, then the variation will be passed on to new generations. This is how new traits are formed. When the variation is actually more useful than a trait that the organism's parents had, that new variation will be passed along as a survival trait.

Related questions

Differences between mitosis and meiosis?

place of occurence ;mitosis= somatic cells | meiosis=gonadic cells crossing over;mitosis=does not occur | meiosis=occur during prophase of meiosis 1 to form tetrads number of daughter cell;mitosis=two | meiosis= four genetic variation;mitosis=no variation produced| meiosis=produces genetic variation genetic composition in daughter cell; mitosis=identical to the parent cell | meiosis= non identical to the parent cell and each other

Why are mitosis and mitosis similar?

Because they both result in the formantion of gametes; however there is no genetic variation in meiosis.

When does meiosis play a more significant role than mitosis?

Meiosis is the reproduction of the gametes or sex cells. So I'd go with meiosis.

What is meiosis about?

Meiosis is Sexual Reproduction, unlike Mitosis, that is responsible for cell growth and other functions. Meiosis has the same phases as Mitosis except that it undergoes those phase twice (Meiosis l and ll). This results in 4 daughter cells, unlike Mitosis which results in only 2 daughter cells. Also, in Mitosis the daughter cells are identical to the original cell, while in Meiosis, it increases genetic variation, because it has characteristics of both parent cells.

What specific meiotic events contribute to meiosis leads to significant genetic variation while mitosis does not?

may be its genetical diffence

What does meiosis introduce into the daughter cells that Mitosis does not?

variationvarietyMeiosis introduces genetic variation. Mitosis produces daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell. However, meiosis produces offspring with half the genetic material from each parent - and therefore much more diversity.

Where do you expect genetic differences between cells to arise from mitosis or from meiosis?

That is a good question. In mitosis, you don't get regular genetic variation but chance mutations can occur. In meiosis with fertilization, you get pairing of DNA from different hosts on a regular basis. I would choose the latter.

Which cell division mitosis or meiosis has genetic variation and are not just identical cells?

Meiosis. Genetic variation is achieved by the random division of the chromosomes between the two daughter cells, and further recombination of specific genes between paired chromosomes before the division.

Why meiosis 2 is similar to mitosis?

Because they both result in the formantion of gametes; however there is no genetic variation in meiosis.

Which description does not apply equally well to both sexual and asexual spores?

The ability to undergo meiosis and produce genetic variation does not apply equally well to both sexual and asexual spores. Sexual spores are formed through meiosis, which shuffles genetic material and leads to genetic variation. Asexual spores, on the other hand, are produced by mitosis and do not contribute to genetic diversity.

Do mitosis and meiosis produce cells with the same amount of genetic information?

Meiosis cells have half the amount of genetic info as cells of mitosis.

Which is responsible for most genotypic and phenotypic variation among humans 1 meiosis 2 budding 3 mitosis or 4 regeneration?

Budding , mitosis and regeneration have no link with genetic variation.All variations in human being and other organisms are produced by MEIOSIS. During meiosis following important processes take place which include 1; crossing over in Prophase I ; Independent assortment of chromosomes and genes during Metaphase I , both of them result in reshufling of genes which is base of variation. Another source of variation is MUTATION.