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Increasing consumption of saturated fatty acids is the most effective way of raising blood cholesterol. Doing this is not recommended by doctors.

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Q: Which is the most effective way of raising blood cholesterol?
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Related questions

What is the most infuencial lipid in raising blood cholesterol?

saturated fat

What is blood cholesterol impacted by?

Blood cholesterol impacted by most of the things that you eat. Fats are the known to have a major impact of the blood cholesterol.

Does giving blood lower cholesterol?

No is the simple answer. Cholesterol is for the most part evenly distributed in the blood and therefore when donating blood you take cholesterol with the blood. Your body will have a lower MASS of cholesterol but the CONCENTRATION of cholesterol has not changed, which is what is important for you I presume. However, when giving blood they encourage no fatty meals or food 24 hours before to avoid high levels of fats and cholesterol in the blood, which means you shouldn't e giving blood if you have high cholesterol.

Which type of fat is most often implicated in raising LDL cholesterol levels?

Saturated Fats

What are some effective low cholesterol diets?

There are countless different types of low cholesterol diets that one could follow. The most effective would be the Atkins Diets.

Does your cholesterol level change if i lose blood?

Probably. Since most cholesterol (if not all) is contained in the blood and causes clots and such, losing blood should result in a minuscule (too little to matter) loss in cholesterol.

Effective Ways to Lower Cholesterol?

One of the main dangers of high cholesterol is the increased risk for heart disease. Too much cholesterol can clog arteries and restrict blood flow, so it is important to take measures to help lower cholesterol. Since being overweight can cause cholesterol levels to increase, it is important to maintain a healthy weight and losing weight is one of the most effective ways to lower cholesterol. Engaging in regular exercise for at least 30 minutes each day can also improve cholesterol levels. A diet high in saturated and trans fat will also raise cholesterol levels, so it is important to replace these unhealthy fats with monounsaturated fats.

Which lipid in a diet that most profoundly raises blood cholesterol?

saturated fat

Aside from changing my diet, how may I go about lowering my cholesterol?

There are many ways to lower the cholesterol. The most effective is diet, but next is exercise. Exercise is a very good bet to lower the cholesterol levels in the body.

What is primary site of Cholesterol synthesis in most animals?

Cholesterol is basically the adipose tissue or fat present in the body.Adipose tissue is stored as cholesterol in the body.It is used when required.Excess of cholesterol leads to obesity which can lead to myocardial infarction(heart attacks) due to the contraction of the blood vessels carrying blood to the heart.

What is the purpose of raising the legs of casuality in shock?

Raising the legs allows the blood to flow to the most vital organs (heart, brain) during shock.

The most effective regulator of blood pH?

The urinary system