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Q: Which is the only country in the world to grant universal adult franchise to its citizens by 1900?
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What is the meaning of universal adult franchise?

Universal Adult Franchise means that all adults in the country had right to vote

What is known as universal adult franchise?

universal adult franchise means the extension of the right to vote to all adult citizens in a country. it means that the right to vote is equal for all regardless of race, gender, caste, creed, wealth, religious identity etc.

Who country got its universal adult franchise in 1965?


When was universal adult franchise granted in Australia?

give names of countries when the universal adult franchise was given to them?

Define in brief the term universal adult franchise?

universal udult franchise isn kaka

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universal adult franchise

Does Saudi Arabia have universal adult franchise?


What are the merits of universal adult franchise?

Universal Adult Franchise is the best policy of voting and choosing our leaders, in a democratic country as it guarantees citizens of the country to vote irrespective of their caste , creed , gender, background etc. It means that everyone is entitled to vote despite of some conditions laid down by that country which is considered to be humane and justified.

Where did universal adult franchise began?

great britain

When was universal adult franchise introduced in America?


When did japan granted universal adult franchise?


Which were the 2 categories were benefited by universal adult franchise?

Universal Adult Franchise helped those who did not come under the highest bracket of the tax payers, women and the blacks in America.