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Spanish, definitely! Mandarin Chinese is the number one most-spoken language, followed by English, then Spanish. French ranks around 9th.

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Q: Which language is more spoken worldwide French or Spanish?
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What language is spoken more thoughtout the world French or Spanish?

Spanish. It is spoken by about 392 million people throughout the world. French is spoken by about 129 million.

What is the more popular language in the world Spanish or French?

Spanish is more widely-spoken than French.

Does french or spanish get spoken more?

Spanish is currently more widely spoken as a first or second language, but French has close to as many speakers with good proficiency as Spanish.

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Sign language in a different language, like Spanish, French etc? Written Spanish, French etc

What language is widely spoken in Haiti Spanish or French?

Both of them. But in Haiti only in Hinche Province Spanish is mostly spoken.

Do more countries speak spanish or french?

French is the seventh most spoken language in the world and Spanish is the 3rd

Is spanish the fifth most spoken language in the world?

No, Spanish is either the second or third most-spoken language (sources differ). The fifth most-spoken language is Arabic. English, French,Spanish and German are considered the most spoken languages in the world. French is the tenth most-spoken language, German is number twelve, not even discussing where those languages fall in terms of native speakers.

What types of Spanish are spoken in France?

The language used in France is French. Spanish (Castilian Spanish actually) is only taught as a second language.

What European language is spoken in the western hemisphere?

There are many European languages spoken in the Western Hemisphere. In North America, Spanish, English and French are spoken. In South America, Spanish, English, Dutch, French and Portuguese are spoken.

What is top three language spoken in New York?

English, Spanish, and French

Is there another language spoken in Puerto Rico besides Spanish and English?


How many people speak Spanish worldwide?

Spanish is spoken as a first language by about 330 million people and as a second language by perhaps another 50 million. Adios!