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it is the outer core because it was on study island

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Q: Which layer of Earth is responsible for the planet's magnetism?
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What compositional layer of Earth is responsible for Earth's magnetism?

outer core

Name the layer of earth which is responsible for its magnetism?

The liquid portion of the barysphere, ie, the outer core.

Which of these pollutants is responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer in Earth's atmosphere?

CFC's are responsible. They deplete the ozone layer.

In what atmosphereic layer are the planets?

Planets are not a part of the earth's atmosphere. They orbit the sun as the earth does, at great distances from the earth. Several of them have atmospheres of their own.

Do planets have Ozone?

Earth has an ozone layer in atmosphere. It is present in the stratospheric region. Other planets which have oxygen in their environment might have ozone.Some planets like earth do. Others might have.

What is the ozone layer responsible for screening out?

The ozone layer is responsible for screening out UV rays. These are fatal for life on earth.

What planet has a protective ozone layer?

Earth and Venus have a protective ozone layer. These planets have ozone molecules in ozone layer.

What layer of the Earth creates electricity and magnetism?

The outer core and the inner core, I think. Try watching the movie "The Core".

Why are ozone layer on the earth in spite other planets?

Unfortunately, the question is hard to understand. Ozone is a form of oxygen. There is no known ozone layer on other planets in the solar system.

What is the liquid earth layer?

The layer of the earth in liquid form is the mantle. It is made up of magma and lies directly beneath the earth's crust. This liquid is responsible for moving continents and earthquakes. It is the thickest layer of the earth.

What is liquid layer of earth?

The layer of the earth in liquid form is the mantle. It is made up of magma and lies directly beneath the earth's crust. This liquid is responsible for moving continents and earthquakes. It is the thickest layer of the earth.

What is another word for rock layer?

Another name for Earth's or any other planets rock layer is called "The Crust"