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All the imports and exports of cell moves through plasma membrane by diffusion. Which includes proteins, water, nutrients and the products of the cell.

The material in excess amount in or out of the call moves in or out of the by diffusion.

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Q: Which material move through the cell in diffusion?
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Diffusion allow materials allows material?

actually diffusion allows materials to move in and out of the cell

How does sodium ion molecule move into the cell through cell membrane?

Through diffusion.

What is the process in which molecules move in and out of cell?

The movement of things through the cell would be called diffusion. If it is water we are talking about then it is called osmosis. diffusion and osmosis are examples of inactive transport. Active transport involves specific proteins in the cell that pull material in the cell though the cell membrane.

What are the process in which materials move through a cell membrane?

diffusion and osmosis

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How do the small molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide move through the cell membrane?

They move via diffusion across a gradient.

What is is called when vesicles are used to move substances out of the cell?

The process that requires transport vesicles to transfer material out of a cell is called exocytosis.

When particles move out of a cell through diffusion the cell?

If the diffusion is moving particles from higher to lower concentration, it uses no energy from the cell; this is passive diffusion. However, if it is active diffusion, the cell is pumping out specific molecules into a higher concentration, therefore using energy.

What statements tells how facilitated diffusion differ from simple diffusion?

Particles move through cell membranes w/out the use of energy by cells.

What does active transport and facilitated diffusion have in common?

Active transport is when proteins move substances into the cell while expending energy. Facilitated diffusion is the movement of chemicals through a protein into a cell.

What substances would be moved across the cell membrane by diffusion?

Smaller particles are more likely to move by diffusion. Fat soluble substances are also more likely to move through diffusion also.

What are the functions of facilitated diffusion?

the point of facilitated diffusion is to help move sugars and amino acids through the cell membrane the ready set <3