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systematic desensitization

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Q: Which method of treating phobias involves progressive relaxation and exposure to the feared object?
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Anyone can, as long as it is for relaxation pourposes. The practitioner can't claim to be treating the clinet as a patient (giving a theraputic massage).

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What is the primary of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

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What is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild of severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

What is primary means of mitigating or treating mild or sever symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

What is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

What is the primary means of mitigation or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

What is the primary mean of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

What is the primary means of mitigation or treating mild or severe symptome of nerve agent exposure?

Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure.

What is group approaches?

Approaches to treatment that involves treating individuals in groups instead of treating them individually (e.g., group therapy)